Feed me…#3: Dorfman in Love



Each one of us have that one person who is like an extra energy bar and always comes to our rescue whether we need help, moral support or just want to talk. Have we ever shown them how grateful we really are or do we just take them for granted?

This week we introduce you to “Dorfman in love” , a 2013 film that shows us their side of the story, in a comical way.

dorfman in love

Deb Dorfman is your typical single young woman from the Valley, who works at her brother’s firm while she takes care of her depressed father after the death of her mother.

She is a people pleaser and is in a desperate need of getting a hold of her life.

Everything changes when her long-term crush is in a need of a cat sitter and she volunteers.

Sue Rue as Deb Dorfman

This film at first may seem like a cliché and even though it has some elements we’ve already seen before, the focus is not only set on the love aspect of the main character, but it also shows all  the relationships we maintain in our lives and the problems we face.

Like the parent-child relationship, it is not uncommon that our parents have a wrong picture about us. From the small things like not knowing our favorite color to thinking we are still the same old kid who was bullied in school. There is this one scene that perfectly captures this, where Deb says to her father: “You fear for me, but you don’t even know me.”

Having a sibling can be a gift and a curse. On one hand when we are younger it is great to have someone to play with, share things with, or just knowing that there is always someone there for you. But how often does it happen that we are pressured of the expectations our siblings set along with abusing each others’ feelings without being aware of it, just because we’ve grown up that way.  At one point in the film we are faced with this type of problems where Deb’s brother says to her “You are my rock” and she replies “You are my chain, Daniel”.

The love relationship. Deb is in love with her brother’s oldest friend for 10 years, but she has never confessed. Is she truly in love or does she think it’s true love. Here we explore the idea of what we imagine we could be rather than  the reality. When we are in love or at least we  think we are in love, we see the world through pink glasses and we are not able to see the true form of the other person and who is really in front of us.

At the very end, this film shows us how important it is to have a great relationship with yourself and it is okay to not to know the answers to all the questions. Self discovery can be a fun journey. After all the catch phrase of “Dorfman in love” is She is a work in progress.

We really enjoyed this film.

Hope you will too. ^_^

Until next time,

Written by: Hachi and Anna Iv.

3 responses »

  1. Thank you for your thoughtful and appreciative words about our film. We hope you will visit our facebook page and join our international fan family.
    Best, Wendy Kout, Screenwriter of Dorfman in Love

    • It was our pleasure! We really enjoyed ‘Dorfman in love’. It is still unbelievable to us, that you saw our post, it is a great honor.
      From the bottom of our hearts, Thank you!.
      The Team of CF Skopje:Creative Corner

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